8. Position a 6 Turns Primary Board so that Layer 1 faces up. Align terminals
7 and 8 with the pins inserted into Stamp 1. Slide the board down over the
pins onto the insulator.
9. Working from the bottom, insert three Small Pins (pins 2 ,3 and 4) and one
Large Pin (pin 9) into the board.
The bottom of the pins must be flush with the bottom of the core in
order to surface mount the completed prototype.
10. Solder all pins to the board.
11. Place an insulator over the board.
12. Orient another Stamp 1 in the same direction as Stamp 1 installed in step 3.
Slide the stamp down over pins 7 and 8 and onto the insulator over the
13. Solder the stamp to pins 7 and 8 to complete one turn of the secondary.
14. Place an insulator over the stamp.
15. Invert a Stamp 1 and slide it down over pins 8 and 9 and onto the insulator.
Solder the stamp to pins 8 and 9.
16. Place an insulator over the stamp.
17. Position a 6 Turns Primary Board so that Layer 2 faces up. Align terminals
2, 3 and 4 with the small pins and terminals 7, 8 and 9 with the large pins.
Slide the board down over the pins onto the insulator.
18. Solder the board to all six pins.
19. Place an insulator over the board.
20. Invert a Stamp 1 and slide it down over pins 8 and 9 and onto the insulator
over the board.
21. Solder the stamp to pins 8 and 9 to complete the second turn of the
22. Glue the windings assembly to the insulator in the bottom half of the core.
23. Place an insulator over the top stamp. Glue the insulator to the windings
24. Align the top core half with the bottom core half making sure that the cores
are oriented in the same direction. Secure the core halves with about 8 cm
of tape.
25. Use the supplied marking pen and place a dot in the corner of the top core
to indicate pin 1.
5/19/2008, 3:58 PM