5.0 Maintenance
The system is intended for long-term unattended use, and maintenance requirements are minimal:
• Clean exterior as needed.
• Clean the front window on the camera head as needed. Use soft nonabrasive cloth, like terry cloth
or microfiber cloth, and a foaming glass cleaner. If present, clean the wiper blade and inspect it.
Replace the blade if necessary.
Check pressure periodically. Occasional pressurization of the camera housing may be required.
See Section 5.1 for more details. Pressure can be checked remotely via the Web Browser by en-
abling the OSD (On-Screen Display) setup. (Setup > Configuration > OSD > OSDSetup > Enable.)
See Operation Manual 6x-1090.
5.1 Camera Head Housing Pressurization
Before shipping from the factory dry packs of desiccant are secured inside the camera housing. The hous-
ing is then sealed and purged with dry nitrogen to remove moist air from inside the housing. The purging
process provides an internal relative humidity of five percent or less. The camera housing is then pressur
ized to approximately 5-7 psi (pound per square inch) and tested for leaks.
If the camera head housing pressure drops to zero over a period of days, it is likely that a seal is le
and the camera system must be returned for servicing.
It is not recommended to pressurize the camera head to greater than 5 psi. In operation, pres
sure variation between 0.1-10 psi is normal, due to temperature variation and other factors.
Schrader Valve
Pressure Relief Valve
(shown with plastic tubing)
Grounding Stud