The base station that is paired with a certain reader signals a bad reader alert (beeps and flashing red indicators) also
when another, unassigned reader is put into it.
Base Station Routing Capabilities
The base station is visible as connected through either RS-232, USB or Ethernet, but it routes data through the wireless
interface to the reader.
Wireless Reader: Buffering Data
When you are within the wireless range of the base station, your wireless reader sends decoded data to your PC through
the base station, just as if you used a tethered reader. You can also see the decoded images in the DataMan Setup Tool,
if it is running and is connected to the reader.
When you leave the wireless range, however, you lose connection to your PC, but you can still keep reading codes. The
decoded data is saved in the buffer of the reader.
This buffered data appears on your PC again when you come back within the wireless range, but
you were
connected to a terminal program when you left the wireless range.
Buffered read results on the reader are not displayed in the DataMan Setup Tool; they are only transmitted over an
existing keyboard emulation, RS-232 Serial or TCP/IP Telnet connection.
: The images acquired by the reader when it is out of the wireless range are never saved, and cannot be
Open a connection with the reader in a terminal program so that you gain the buffered data when wireless connection is
established again.
Connection Options