Code Blue
259 Hedcor Street
Holland, MI 49423 USA
ToolVox® Media Gateway
Administrator Guide
(prior to Aug, 2014)
page 45 of 88
Enable or Disable VLAN Support
ID -
VLAN Identifier 1-4094, 0 indicates this frame does not belong to any VLAN
User Priority –
Priority level (PCP). Higher numbers will tag frames will tag frames with higher
Account 1
Registrar -
IP address of the ToolVox
Registrar Port –
Port that the server will accept registrations on. Set to 0 for auto-detect.
Registration Lifetime –
in seconds. If IP5000 phone is losing registration to ToolVox but is still ac-
cessible on the network consider lowering down to 60 seconds.
RTP Base Port –
Base Port for RTP traffic.
Keep-Alive –
Keep Alive method to use. Most common is Register.
Enable or disable STUN for NAT traversal. Set the STUN server in advanced settings.
VLAN priority for SIP traffic. Default is 0
RTP Audio -
VLAN priority for RTP audio traffic. Default is 6
Account 2
You can configure a 2nd Account on the same phone.