The two slide switches to either side of the DIP block add 20 dB of gain to each channel. By
default they are disabled.
The CPs phono input stage has adjustable loading parameters. The loading switches are a
red DIP switch block located on the printed circuit board inside the preamplifier near the
balanced input jacks.
To open the CP, use a hex wrench to remove the bolts retaining the top cover. Check the size
of your wrench before beginning. An undersized wrench will strip the heads of the fasteners.
Be sure to set the cover top-side up when removed to avoid scratching the finish.
The DIP block adjusts both loading capacitance and resistance. The switches are set in
stereo pairs, e.g. 1 & 8 to add 1000 PF to both channels, 2 & 7 to add 200 PF, etc. The
components are switched in parallel with the built-in values of 47k Ohms and 50pF. The final
capacitance is the sum of 20pF and the two capacitor settings. The final resistance is as
1/Rtotal = (1/47000)+(1/R1)+(1/R2)
Caution: The CP contains dangerous high voltages during operation, and except for the
loading settings has no user serviceable parts inside. Except when adjusting the loading
you should never open the preamplifier. Before opening the CP ensure that the AC line cord
is completely disconnected.
If you have any questions about adjusting the CP you should contact Coda Technologies at
the address and phone number on the rear of this manual.