It is possible to appe nd a vo ice reco rding to the end of an
A-B Repea t loop. T his voic e recording wil l becom e part o f the
A-B Repea t loop.
While the A-B Repeat loo p is pla ying, press
to begin voice
re cordin g.
T o stop v oice-recording , press
again .
The A-B Re peat loop will n ow resume with the addition of the
new voice recording.
Yo u may e xit A-B Repeat m ode at any tim e by pressing th e
Sets how ma ny time s your p layer w ill repea t track
segments specifie d in A-B Repeat mode (1x to 10 x).
Sets the dura tion of time (in s econds ) your p layer
wil l pause betwee n A-B Re peat lo ops (1 to 10).
Replay tim es.
Replay gap.
Set the end of the track segment to be repeated by pres sing
the RECORD button again.
The segment you have selected will then play in a loop for the
number of times specified in "Replay times" (see
below for more info rmation). You can also set how much ti me
ela pses be tween loops in "Replay gap" (see
for more informatio n).
Replay times
Replay gap
AMV Video Player
To ent er the AMV mod e:
From the Ma in menu, highlight and
select the item AMV. (To access the Main me nu at any time,
press a nd hold the JO YSTICK SELECT key.)
The AMV vide o playe r will find and pl ay any AMV vid eo files
loade d on your playe r. Use the file-co nversio n software
includ ed on the insta llation d isc to co nvert v ideo file s to the
AMV f ormat (see Included So ftware s ection) .
To p lay a tra ck, pre ss the
button .
To p ause/stop a tra ck, pres s the
button while a
trac k is playing.
To se lect the previo us track, press
To se lect the next track, pre ss
When you are in AMV mode, the LCD will disp lay the
inform ation ill ustrated below :
Repea t mode options may be set from the AM V Video Player
subme nu by pressing the JOYSTICK SELECT key while y our player
is paus ed. See Repeat in the M P3 Music Playe r Option s sectio n
for more inform ation.
Time Ela psed
Track Title/Filename
Volume Level
Repeat mode
A-B Repeat mode
Current Tr ack #/
Remaining Track #
Current Folder
Locatio n
Progress Bar
Bit rate/
Total Trac k Time