| 2021-05 User manual Comfort Wheelchair Cushion
Cobi Rehab warrants that the Comfort Wheelchair
Cushion is without defects on delivery. If, against
all expectations, the wheelchair is subject to
deficiencies or defects on receipt, please contact
Cobi Rehab immediately.
The warranty period for the Comfort Wheelchair
Cushion is one year from the date of purchase
and covers manufacturing defects or defect on
receipt. The invoice is your certificate of warranty.
The warranty does not apply to:
- products on which the serial number, batch
number or the like have been removed or
significantly damaged.
- products which have been repaired by
unauthorised personnel.
The warranty does not cover:
- wearing parts.
This warranty does not apply when Cobi Rehab
assesses that the Comfort Wheelchair Cushion has
been improperly operated.
For damage caused by improper operation, an
invoice will be issued for both the service and the
spare parts used.
Lack of maintenance can damage the product,
shorten the life, or affect the performance of the
Comfort Wheelchair Cushion.
Report any incidents relating to the use of
Comfort Wheelchair Cushion to Cobi Rehab.
9.1 Unintended event
After the expected service life, it is important that
an overall assessment of the product is made
before continued use.
After the expected service life, Cobi Rehab
cannot guarantee the suitability and safety of the
product, as Cobi Rehab has no control over how
the product is used and wear and tear.
The overall assessment of the product must be
carried out by qualified professionals, and as a
minimum, consideration must be given to how the
product has been used, the condition of the
product and its components.
Cobi Rehab can always make such an assessment.
9.2 After expiry of expected service life
9. Warranty