3-1-4. MENU > SYSTEM > Storage
In the
, HDD Format, Record Period and Smart options can be selected.
When installing the HDD for the first time, the HDD should be formatted first.
Highlight and press
button to begin HDD format.
Record Period
: displays the information on the period of recorded data.
Auto Deletion (day)
: Keep the recorded data for a selected day(s) from the time you set
option allows checking the status of installed HDD.
- Disk Status:
Shows the HDD‟s condition
- Temperature:
Show the HDD‟s current temperature
- Threshold :
Allow to set acceptable max HDD temperature
If the HDD temperature exceeds the preset temperature under Threshold, the
system will active an alarm to notify the change.
3-1-5. MENU > SYSTEM > System Log
In the System
, full list of system logs can be searched.
Press „Reload‟ button to refresh log list. USE < > button to search log list page by page.