BAT32G1x9 user manual | Chapter 20 Serial interface IICA
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Port mode register x (PMx).
This register sets the input/output of the port.
When using the Pxx/SCLAn pin as the clock input/output and the Pxx/SDAAn pin as the serial data
input/output, The port mode register PMx and the port output latch Px must be placed at "0".
When the IICEn bit (bit7 of the IICA control register n0 (IICCTLn0)) is "0", P The xx/SCLAn pin and the
Pxx/SDAAn pin are low-level outputs (fixed), so the IICEn must be placed "1" After switching to output mode.
Set the PM x register via the 8-bit memory operation instruction. After the reset signal is generated, the value of
this register changes to "FFH".
For details of the port mode registers, see "2.3.1 Port Mode Registers (PMxx)".