M03I40M7-03 15/11/07
09 Physical and chemical
Physical state (20°C):
liquid gas
: Slightly similar to ether; pH: not applicable.
Boiling point/interval
: -26,4°C
Melting point/interval
: -101°C
Flash point:
No flare up at test conditions
Self-ignition temperature:
743°C (1bar) 215°C (3bar)
Vapour pressure
: (25°C):0.665MPa (6.65bar) a (50°C):1.32MPa (13.2bar) a (70°C): 2.12MPa (21.2bar)
Vapour density:
(25°C): 4.26kg/m
a (50°C): 1102kg/m
a (70°C): 996kg/m
(25°C): 0,9g/l
Distribution coefficient:
log Pow = 1.06 (n-octanole/water)
Other data:
Henry constant: 1.53Pa m
Not dissociated in water
Solubility of water in the product at 25°C: 0,097% in weight.
Critical temperature: Tc=101°C
Critical pressure. Pc=4.07MPa (40.7bar)
10 Stability and reactivity
Conditions to avoid: Avoid
contact with flames and red-hot metal surfaces.
Dangerous decomposition products
: Thermal decomposition into toxic and corrosive products: hydrofluoric acid, hydrochloric acid
in gaseous form, phosgene, carbon monoxide (CO)
Other information
: Stable product at ambient temperature.
In presence of air the product can mix up into a flammable blend at particular temperature and pressure conditions.
11 Toxicological
Acute toxicity:
: Practically non-toxic in experiments conducted on animals.
CL50/inhalation/4 hrs/on rats>500000ppm
As with other volatile aliphatic halogenated compounds, with the accumulation of vapours and/or the inhalation of large quantities, the
product can cause: loss of consciousness and heart problems aggravated by stress and lack of oxygen; risk of death.
Local effects:
Contact with skin
: Frostbite possible from splashes of liquefied gas.
Practically non-irritating for skin in experiments conducted on animals (rabbits).
Contact with the eyes:
practically non-irritating for eyes in experiments conducted on animals (rabbits).
Contact with skin: Experim,ental for the animal:
No skin sensitizer (guinea pig).
Chronic toxicity:
Studies on animal protracted inhalation do not highlight any chronic toxic effect (rat/ years(s)/ Inhalation: 50000ppm)
Specifical effects:
Genotoxicity according experimental available data NOT Genotoxic
: experiments on animals do not highlight carcinogen effect clearly demonstrated (rat /Inhalation – for oral
Toxicity for reproduction:
Foetal growth no toxic effect for foetal development (rat/rabbit/inhalation).
Fertility, according the available data on animal: no toxic effects on fertility (rats/inhalation)
This document refers to the product as is and which conforms to the specifications supplied by ELF ATOCHEM.
If combinations or mixtures are made, check that there are no new dangers resulting from this action. The information provided in this report
has been provided in good faith and is based on our latest knowledge of the product in question as of the date of publication of the same. The
attention of users is drawn to the potential risks of employing the product for any use other than that for which it is intended. This report must
be used and reproduced solely for purposes of prevention and safety. The list of legislative, regulatory or administrative texts must not be
considered exhaustive. The product user is under obligation to refer to all the official texts concerning the use, conservation and manipulation
of the product for which he is sole responsible. The product user must also provide all those who might come into contact with the product with
the information necessary for their safety at work and the protection of their health and that of the environment, giving them a copy of this
safety information report.