Operating range (Cooling)
Operating range (Heating)
To verify the operating range of the operating units with percentages of fresh air, always calculate the Tm mixing temperature at the internal heat exchanger input.
Tm = internal exchanger entering air temperature
temperature measured with wet bulb (W.B.=WET BULB)
Text = inlet air temperature in the external exchanger
dry bulb measured temperature (D.B.=DRY BULB)
Standard operating range
Operatiing range of the unit in FREE-COOLING mode or with automatic distribution of the outdoor ventilation (ECOBREEZE)
The limits are meant as a guide. Please note that they have
been calculated by considering:
general and non specific sizes
standard airflow
Non-critical positioning and correct use of the unit
operation at full load
The limits are meant as a guide. Please note that they have
been calculated by considering:
general and non specific sizes
standard airflow
non-critical positioning and correct use of the unit
operation at full load
To verify the operating range of the operating units with percentages of fresh air, always calculate the Tm mixing temperature at the internal heat exchanger input.
Tm = internal exchanger entering air temperatur
dry bulb measured temperature (D.B.=DRY BULB)
Text = internal exchanger entering air temperature
temperature measured with wet bulb (W.B.=WET BULB)
Operation at full load
Field in which the unit operation is allowed only for a limited period (max 1 hour)
Operating range of the unit equipped with “Application for low outdoor temperature” and “hot water coil or gas heating module” options. The heat pump circuit is not active
In extended operating mode, in heat pump operation with an fresh air temperature of less than 6°C, the unit performs defrosts by reversing the cycle, so as to eliminate the ice that forms on
the surfaces of the outside exchanger; in addition, in the event of negative temperatures, the water resulting from the defrosts must be drained so as to avoid the accumulation of ice near the
base of the unit. Make sure that this does not constitute a danger for people or things.
With fresh air temperature within -10°C and -30 °C, the following options will be required: hot water coil or gas heating module and outdoor low temperature set-up.