Room thermostat MTC
between the actual temperature and the displayed temperature. This may be caused by assembly to
an outdoor wall, irradiation of the sun, monitors, etc. This temperature difference can be c
for by means of a calibration function.
Example: The difference between the measured value and the displayed value is 2
displayed value is 2ºC too high. The correction value is therefore
To exit the menu, press M twice.
Destratification (delat T regulation)
Menu (M)
Delta T active
Warm air wants to go up and stay under the ceiling of the room. The heater has the ability to push this
warm air back to the ground, and spread it into the room. This is called destratification or delta T
regulation. The thermostat measures the temperature
above in the room from the sensors on the heater. When the temperature difference between the
ceiling and ground level the ventilator inside the heaters will start to push the warm air down. (factory
default 12°C. When this regulation is active the heater wil also stop to burn until this temperature is
To exit the menu, press M twice.
In the special installer menu the parameters of this dela T
regulations can be changed. For example the temperature
difference when the fan should start and stop can be changed. See for this in the chap
installer menu.
Back to factory default settings
In case the thermostat needs to become its factory default settings back it
can be done by pressing the OK button for 10 seconds
All settings are lost and the default language menu wil
Remote sensor
In some cases it is applicable that the temperature is measured on another place than the controller is
suited. In that case a remote sensor can be plugged on the same 2 wires as the heaters and the
controller. The controller then works with the temperatur
possible that the contriller takes the average between its own internal sensor and the remote sensor.
The sensor should be connected according to the diagram as shown.
The sensor is connected through a 2
Cable specification: signal cable, 1x2x0,8 (shielded and twisted)
Maximum length 200m.
If these instructions are not followed the thermostat may be damaged
To connect the sensor, always ensure that the heating device has been shut down. Connect the
sensor on the same wires as the clock thermostat. See Figure.
is not parallel to a 230 Volt cable.
DeltaT active
between the actual temperature and the displayed temperature. This may be caused by assembly to
an outdoor wall, irradiation of the sun, monitors, etc. This temperature difference can be c
for by means of a calibration function.
Example: The difference between the measured value and the displayed value is 2
ºC too high. The correction value is therefore -2ºC.
Destratification (delat T regulation)
Delta T active
Warm air wants to go up and stay under the ceiling of the room. The heater has the ability to push this
warm air back to the ground, and spread it into the room. This is called destratification or delta T
regulation. The thermostat measures the temperature on ground level and reads the temperature
above in the room from the sensors on the heater. When the temperature difference between the
ceiling and ground level the ventilator inside the heaters will start to push the warm air down. (factory
When this regulation is active the heater wil also stop to burn until this temperature is
In the special installer menu the parameters of this dela T
regulations can be changed. For example the temperature
erence when the fan should start and stop can be changed. See for this in the chap
Back to factory default settings
needs to become its factory default settings back it
pressing the OK button for 10 seconds
All settings are lost and the default language menu will show.
In some cases it is applicable that the temperature is measured on another place than the controller is
suited. In that case a remote sensor can be plugged on the same 2 wires as the heaters and the
controller. The controller then works with the temperature from the seperate remote sensor. It is also
possible that the contriller takes the average between its own internal sensor and the remote sensor.
The sensor should be connected according to the diagram as shown.
The sensor is connected through a 2-wire low voltage communication system, the Argus Link.
Cable specification: signal cable, 1x2x0,8 (shielded and twisted)
If these instructions are not followed the thermostat may be damaged
ct the sensor, always ensure that the heating device has been shut down. Connect the
sensor on the same wires as the clock thermostat. See Figure. Make sure the cable of the thermostat
is not parallel to a 230 Volt cable.
DeltaT active
between the actual temperature and the displayed temperature. This may be caused by assembly to
an outdoor wall, irradiation of the sun, monitors, etc. This temperature difference can be compensated
Example: The difference between the measured value and the displayed value is 2ºC, i.e. the
Warm air wants to go up and stay under the ceiling of the room. The heater has the ability to push this
warm air back to the ground, and spread it into the room. This is called destratification or delta T
on ground level and reads the temperature
above in the room from the sensors on the heater. When the temperature difference between the
ceiling and ground level the ventilator inside the heaters will start to push the warm air down. (factory
When this regulation is active the heater wil also stop to burn until this temperature is
erence when the fan should start and stop can be changed. See for this in the chapters from the
In some cases it is applicable that the temperature is measured on another place than the controller is
suited. In that case a remote sensor can be plugged on the same 2 wires as the heaters and the
e from the seperate remote sensor. It is also
possible that the contriller takes the average between its own internal sensor and the remote sensor.
wire low voltage communication system, the Argus Link.
ct the sensor, always ensure that the heating device has been shut down. Connect the
Make sure the cable of the thermostat