When using these instructions refer to the OGB 6.20 wiring schematic.
When 120 VAC is applied to the combi, it is sent to the Power Control Switch (S1).
When the Power Control Switch (S1) is closed
The red light in the switch is energized.
120 VAC is sent through the line filter (Z1) then through the 20 amp fuse (F10.1)
to terminal L1 on the Motor Drive (U10.1)
120 VAC is sent through the line filter (Z2) then through the 20 amp fuse (F10.2)
to terminal L1 on the Motor Drive (U10.2)
120vac is sent through the 2 amp fuse (F1.1) to
To terminals 1 and 2 of connector X1 on the Upper Hot Air Power Burner
Control (U20)
To terminals 1 and 2 of connector X1 on the Steam Power Burner Control
To terminals 1 and 2 of connector X1 on the Lower Hot Air Power Burner
Control (U22)
The 12 VDC Power Supply (G1)
12 VDC is sent to terminals 1 and 2 of connector X28 on the Gas Board
12 VDC is sent to terminal 3 and 4 of connector X10 on the Control Board
To terminal 1 of connector X12 on the Control Board (A10)
With 12 VAC to the Control Board (A10) The Operation Board (A11) is
An alarm will sound for one second
All the LED’s and the display will energize one at a time.
“STARTING” will be displayed for 3 seconds
“Please wait” will be displayed
The international model number will be displayed
The time and date will be displayed and this will continue until the on/off
switch is depressed.
When the ON/OFF is depressed with the combi in the steam mode
After a date change (the first time the combi is turned on) the display will ask
“Generator Flush?”. If no answer is given in 10 seconds or a yes is indicated the
flush will begin.
120 VAC is sent from terminal 1 of connector X13 on the Control Board
(A10) to the Generator Pump (M4).
As the water level drops below the probes the fill solenoid (Y3) will energize.
This rocking of the water will help flush scale from the generator.