The Kiload weighs by measuring the “flex” of the front axle
(A) and the air pressure in the air bags/rear axles (B).
Because of this, it is important with this scale as with all
scales that the suspension must be as “Neutral” as possible
when you acquire your weight readings. This simply means
that a level load area and a „relaxed‟ suspension is the best
way to acquire weights.
To begin the days work and just prior to loading your first
load, the scale should be “ZEROED”.
To Zero: preferably where you will be loading, stop the truck
and „relax‟ the suspension. Now push the “Zero” button-the
display will ask you “Zero-yes?” now push the “Zero” button
one more time and the scale will automatically zero. If the
scale reads “Zero-no?, push the up or down arrow to change
it to read “Zero-yes? Then push the “Zero” button, now you
are ready to load. The scale should be Zero‟ed periodically
throughout the day to compensate for temperature changes
and load area changes. You are now ready to load.
Once the truck is loaded, take a look at the “T” total weight
reading on your scale. It will show the weights on the
“A” front
axle and
“B” rear axle group separately.
To adjust the weight, first push the “DOWN” arrow on the
KILOAD, then lower your tag axle as necessary to obtain the
proper balance between the
“A” front axle and “B” rear
When you are finished with the load and before you take on
another load, PUSH the UP arrow to return to normal