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Connecting Power
Husky comes with the battery fully charged and installed, but disconnected for safety during
shipping. To reconnect the battery:
Ensure Husky’s main power button is in the outer “off” position and the e-stop is
Using curled index fingers to grip the battery door latches, press with thumbs on the
latch buttons and lift the battery door free of the chassis.
Carefully connect the battery plug to the mating connector in the fuse panel, shown in
Figure 7. Ensure that it is firmly seated and clicks into place. It will be difficult to connect
it in the incorrect polarity.
Replace the battery door cover, ensuring that it clicks into place and is flush with the
rear panel.
To power on Husky, firmly press the power button located above the status panel. It will
illuminate blue, and the status panel lights will show a brief test pattern. The comm status light
will turn red, as the PC is not yet communicating with Husky.
The stop status light will be red if the e-stop is pressed. If it is not, press the e-stop button and
verify that the stop light illuminates. Leave the platform in an e-stop state until it is successfully
receiving commands.
Fuse Panel
Figure 7: Husky Battery Area