UNITE® 60 4K Camera
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QSG-0153-001v1.0 October 2022
Quick-Start Guide
Setting Up the Tracking Mode
Auto framing refers to the automatic movement that the camera provides to ensure that the face is
correctly adjusted.
In the Menu Tracking Mode option “Menu->Setting->Osd EXT setting->TrackingMode”, the user
can select one of the following modes:
• Detects all the attendees that the camera has access to and captures them so that they all fit in
the video frame.
• Detects the person who is speaking and follows that person as they move. Keeps the speaker
centered in the video frame.
• Ideal to follow only the person who is moving. The moving person being tracked doesn’t have
to be the speaker.
The user can also use the menu option “Track Sense” to smooth or roughen the transition of
movements between different participants, speakers, or person.