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Audio Conferencing

The Audio Perfect


800 (AP800) provides high-quality

audio for conferencing applications. The AP800 contains
Distributed Echo Cancellation


(DEC) technology, micro-

phone mixing, audio processing, and matrix mixing – all
in a single rack unit system.

DEC technology is vastly superior to system-wide

echo cancellation because it eliminates the gating and
audio processing problems that continually hamper such
systems. DEC results in highly reliable, clear, transparent
audio for use in the most demanding environments.

Each of the unit’s eight mic/line inputs and four auxiliary

line inputs can compensate for loud or soft voices using
automatic gain control (AGC). It also offers channelized
equalization for continuous cut or boost as well as high-pass
filtering to reduce unwanted low-frequency noise. 

The AP800 provides extreme flexibility for your

applications. Each unit provides eight microphone/line
inputs, four auxiliary line-level inputs, and 12 auxiliary
line-level outputs. These outputs are ideal for audio
sources such as codecs, AP10 telephone interfaces, external
PAs, sound reinforcement, VCRs, and CD players.

For conferencing applications where you need signifi-

cant microphone coverage or multiple telephone line con-
ferencing, up to eight AP800 units and 16 AP10 units can
be linked together using ClearOne’s high speed G-Link 

• Distance Learning
• Teletraining
• Telemedicine
• Courtrooms
• Conference Rooms
• Boardrooms
• Hotels
• Houses of Worship

digital network bus. All G-Linked devices can be con-
trolled and upgraded via a single RS-232 connection.

Set-up and configuration are simple and can be

accomplished in one of two ways: 1) Using the AP800’s
front panel and LCD display, or 2) Via ClearOne’s 
AP-Ware™ configuration software on a connected PC.
When any of the six available presets are customized, you
can access them on the fly from a remote touch panel
(such as AMX or Crestron), a custom control device, or
the unit’s front panel.

Features and Benefits

• Truly linkable – the AP800, via the G-Link high-speed

digital bus, allows for system expansion to accommodate
applications requiring up to 64 microphones. All system
parameters (gating, NOM, chairman override, PA
adaptive, etc.) are linked and function as one system.

• All eight inputs incorporate automatic gain control

(AGC) – to compensate for loud or soft voices.

• Matrix – allows for simple routing customization for a

wide variety of applications and individual customer

• Easy “plug and play” echo cancellation–easy to pro-

gram, and maintain.

• On-the-fly configuration changes – six configurable pre-

sets can be accessed from a touch panel, custom control
device, or the front panel.

• Full-duplex audio – for clean, transparent audio.

• One rack unit performs the function of several external

audio devices – audio functions are designed to work
together as a complete audio conferencing system.

• AP-Ware software – an advanced, reliable configuration

system that makes programming the AP800 simple.

T h e   A P 8 0 0   p r o v i d e s   e i g h t   m i c / l i n e   i n p u t s ,   f o u r

l i n e - l e v e l   i n p u t s ,   a n d   1 2   l i n e - l e v e l   o u t p u t s .


A P 8 0 0

Audio Conferencing System

T h e   A P 8 0 0   i s   m a n u f a c t u r e d   a n d   m a r k e t e d   b y

C l e a r O n e ,   f o r m e r l y   G e n t n e r.
