CraftSmart FiberFirst Pedestal
Installation Manual
Direct: 763.476.6866 • National: 800.422.2537 • www.SeeClearfield.com • [email protected]
Manual 023112 Rev A - Nov 2022
Splice Only Configuration
The pedestal is capable of holding up to 144 splices by adding up to eleven 12
fiber trays, one at a time to the included bracket.
If more than 6 trays are used, you will not be able to hinge the entire
stack to access lower splices. Although the bracket will accomodate12 trays,
Clearfield recommends only using 6 trays for 72 splices. Trays can be added
by sliding the new tray onto the hinge pins and then folding it down to snap the
tray in place.
The first sacrificial splice tray is pre-installed.
The bottom tray is “sacrificial” because it must be screwed into
place and cannot be removed for splicing as easily as the other trays.
Cables to be installed can be secured to the bracket of the pedestal using zip
ties or hose clamps. When attaching the cables to the back plate using zip ties,
it is very important to not fully tighten the zip ties around the cable. Each zip
tie should allow at least 1/8” of clearance on all sides. This is important as the
cable will need to piston or freely move inside the zip tie independently from the
pedestal in the case of ground heave.
The pedestal is designed to hold up to 20 feet of buffer tube from a 144 OSP
cable, but most manufacturers recommend not exposing more than 20 feet in an
OSP environment. This rule is especially true for ring cut/mid-span applications.