LED Indication
800 Band
1900 Band
LED indicator
● Normal Status
Normal status is achieved when these 2 LED
light indicates
(Red and/or Green) non
blinking light:
● Abnormal Status
If any 1 or 2 LED blinking Red or Green must be avoided.
800 Band
1900 Band
Basic reception, could be achieved better by tuning /
adjusting the outdoor ANT direction / location.
1900 band reception is good , 800 Band can be tuned /
adjusted for better reception.
800 band reception is good , 1900 Band can be tuned /
adjusted for better reception.
Both the 800 and 1900 Band are now in good reception.
800 Band
(Blinking , Green or Red)
(Solid Red or Green)
(Blinking , Green or Red)
1900 Band
(Solid Red or Green)
(Blinking , Green or Red)
(Blinking , Green or Red)
The users must turn off the power of cell booster , tune / adjust the outdoor ANT direction/location
and / or the separation distance between the outdoor ANT and cell booster. Reset the power of cell
booster again. Repeat this procedure and reset the power
tuning/adjusting cycle until the LED
Indicates the normal status (solid Red or Green).
The users must use the optional short extension cable (17ft) for direct separation distance extension
if the original long coaxial cable (33ft) causes any abnormal status.
Cell Booster Kit Package
Cell Booster Connection Set Up
Pre-Installed Procedure
A. Outdoor ANT.......................................................................................................................02
B. Coaxial Cable......................................................................................................................02
C. Indoor ANT..........................................................................................................................03
D. Power Adaptor.....................................................................................................................03
E. Minimum Separation Distance Limitation.......................................................................03
F. LED Indication.....................................................................................................................04
Detailed Installation Procedure
A. Outdoor ANT.......................................................................................................................05
B. Coaxial Cable......................................................................................................................06
C. Indoor ANT..........................................................................................................................07
D. Minimum Separation Distance Limitation.......................................................................07
E. LED Indication.....................................................................................................................08
Safeguard Features
Safety Issue Remind & Notice
Default / Authorized Accessories List