Terminator Iron Filter Installation & Startup Guide
Page 13
Rev 042414
coming out, which would mean you have very high water pressure, or the drain flow for the Fleck
2510 is missing.
Adjusting the Air Injector “Micronizer”
A. The proper adjustment of the Micronizer to provide a colloidal suspension of the iron is a final and
important step.
B. Close valve after pressure tank before air mix tank. Close down the Micronizer Adjusting Screw
three turns by rotating it clockwise.
C. Open valve after pressure tank and open a faucet in house. Then control the water flow with valve.
D. Drain water from the pressure tank until the pump starts, then immediately turn off valve. Using
the second hand on a watch, time the pump-up cycle (i.e. the time from the low pressure cut-in of
the pump to the high pressure cut-out.) Assume a time of 99 seconds.
E. Re-open valve until the pump starts, then immediately shut the ball/gate valve after pressure tank.
Determine the time of air-draw at the Suction Nozzle. This time should be 30% of the total pump-up
time, (i.e. 30 seconds). If the air draw time is more than 30 seconds, turn the Adjusting Screw
(counterclockwise) slightly. If the draw time is less than 30 seconds, turn the screw clockwise.
Determine the total pump time after each adjustment, since this time will change as the Adjusting
Screw is being reset.
F. If all the iron is not being removed at the 30% setting of the Adjusting Screw, after 4 weeks,
increase the air draw time to 35% of the total pump-up time (35 seconds).
Maintaining Your Terminator iron filter System
Check the air injector to make sure it is drawing air for at least 30% of the pump cycle. Periodic cleaning of
the air injector is required. It can be disassembled and cleaned in rust remover, white vinegar or citric acid
every year or two depending on usage.
If the water pH is acidic, (less than 7.0 pH) it will be necessary to replenish or add more calcite media once a
Every 3 – 5 years the Terminator media can be removed and replaced. This is easily done by putting the filter
on bypass, removing the control valve, and laying the tank on its side. Using a garden hose, flush out the
media on a tarp, clean the tank and refill with new media.