Repair or Warranty Contact
Clayton Associates, Inc.
1650 Oak Street
Lakewood, New Jersey 08701
P.+1-732-363-2100 F.+1-732-364-6084
Page 7
Principle of Operation
If the Scorpion is used to collect hazadous debris, a second HEPA filtered vacuum (Support Vacuum) can be used to safely remove the
debris out of the Scorpion. It is recommended that the Support Vacuum have a 1-1/2in vacuum hose.
If this vacuum is used to collect hazardous material, appropriate personal protective equipment may be required.
The vacuum should be emptied when half full or when dust accumulation in the vacuum degrades performance.
1. Safe the Vacuum
• Disconnect the compressed air source from the vacuum
• Disconnect the vacuum hose
2. Connect the Support Vacuum
• Activate the support vacuum
• Hold the end of the Support Vacuum Hose over the Scorpion Vacuum Inlet
3. Connect the Support Vacuum
• Tilt the Scorpion onto its side to help the debris flow to the vacuum inlet
• Continue to tilt and lightly shake the Scorpion until all of the debris has been removed from the canister
Support Vacuum Hose
Vacuum Inlet