6 | Nord ElEctro 5 UsEr MaNUal os v1.X
storING aNd NaMING ProGraMs
For saving changes made to an existing Program, press storE to enter the storE ProGraM
to screen. the display now shows you where the Program will be stored to. optionally, you can
now use the ProG dial to choose a different location.
Press storE again to go through with the operation. a pop-up text on the display confirms that
the store was successful.
Pending store operations can be aborted by pressing EXIt. the text ”store aborted!” verifies that
no changes were saved.
to name your new Program:
1. select storE as... and you will now see the storE ProGraM as screen. the cursor will
highlight the first character of the name
2. Press-hold the sHIFt button and an alphanumeric row of letters will show
3. turn the valUE knob until the desired character is highlighted
4. release sHIFt and the cursor will jump to the next letter slot. optionally use the valUE dial to
select a different position within the name
If needed, use the dEl function to delete the selected character or INs to insert a blank space at
the current cursor position.
repeat the actions above until the new name is complete. When finished, press storE again and
the storE ProGraM to screen will show. again, use the ProG dial to if you want to select a
different store location.
lIvE ProGraMs
the Nord Electro 5 has three easy-to-access live Programs, differing from regular Programs in
that edits you make are automatically stored. Even when exiting a live Program, or powering off
the machine your sounds will remain the way you left them, without the need for storing.
storING soUNds to aNd FroM lIvE ProGraMs
sounds created in live mode can be stored to a Program bank. to do this, first press storE, or
optionally storE as... and then the Program button. From here you can save the live sound over
an existing Program, or select an unused location using the ProG dial.
similarily, you can also copy a Program from a Program bank to a live Program. this is done
from Program mode by pressing storE and then selecting one of the three lIvE Programs. con-
firm the action with a second click on the storE button.
For live Programs, the display is similar to that of regular Programs, but will read live 1-3,
depending on which is selected. to select a live Program, press any
of the live 1-3 buttons in the Program area.
Содержание Nord Electro 5D 61
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