CMK-1 Manual (Issue-1)
October 20, 2004
2. Help Menu
View CMKConfig Documentation
– This function displays the CMK documentation in a web
About CMKConfig
– This function contains the software title, company and version number.
Figure 44: Help Menu
Keyboard Functions
The keyboard is a physical representation of the items that a user needs to specify when configuring the CMK. The
user must specify functions for two categories: ‘MIDI channel output’ and ‘Piston function’.
MIDI Channel output
- This function controls the MIDI Channel(s) on which the keyboard can send
messages. To specify the MIDI channel(s), click on the keys of the keyboard and a menu such as the
one shown on the next page will appear. To select the MIDI Channel(s), use the mouse cursor to point
and click on the numbered buttons inside the blue bubble. These numbers correspond to the MIDI
Channels from 1-16 since the keyboard can send on multiple channels. Clicking on a selected
numbered button again will deselect it.