• Supply the tool with 6.3bar of clean, lubricated, dry air. Higher pressure drastically reduces tool life and/or can
cause sever injury.
• Connect the tool to the airline using pipe, hose and fi tting sizes.
• Do not install a quick coupler directly into the air hose connector.
• In order to have the tool working to full satisfaction, the minimum air supply must beat least 10% higher than the
indicated air consumption of the air tool.
• Use recommended hose size and length. Don not connect the tool to the airline system without incorporating an
easy to reach and operate air shut off valve.
• Air supply should be lubricated.
Impact wrench
For tightening and unscrewing of threaded fastener
Tightening and unscrewing of various kinds of bolts and nuts
For drilling holes in metals, wood and plastics
For tightening and unscrewind of wood ant metal screws with hex and Phillips
To remove layers of paint and fi lling material
To polish painted surfaces and fi nish surfaces prior to painting
Air saw
For cutting sheet steel, carbody panels, pipes, steel, plastic and wood
File for metals, wood and plastics
Air hammer
To cut car body panels, bolts, screws and nuts
Needle scaler
To remove rust, paint and cinder after welding
Windscreen cutter
To remove cement, sealing material and rubber from windscreen frame
To cut (nibble) car body panels, sheet steel, stainless steel and corrugated
panel sheets
With this tool you can cut metal plate
Die grinder stell
For use with bonded abrassive mounted grinding wheels rotary fi les and car-
bide burrs providing their speed rating matches the speed of the grinder
Angle grinder
Light grinding and dressing of welds
Blind riveting
To rivet two metal panels together
Belt sander
For sanding and polishing in confi ned areas
Engraving pen
To mark tools and parts made out of metal, stone and other hard materials
Cut off tools
Used for cutting operation on bearings, exhaust pipes and clamps
Spot weld drill
For controlled removal of spot welds on car body repairs
Sticker grinder
For removing sticker, labels and tags from painted fl at surfaces
OP 1209