OM 0684
1. Inspect stands before each use. Do not use if bent, broken or crack components are noted. Ensure that all parts
move freely.
2. Verify that the products and the application are compatible.
3. Before using this product, read the operator’s manual completely and familiarize yourself thoroughly with the
product and the hazards associated with its improper use.
4. Insert roll pin into the bottom hole of the extension tube to prevent inadvertent loss of the extension tube. Usually
it is pre-installed.
5. Always check the vehicle owner or service manual for location of proper lift and support points.
Rated capacity is per pair. Use Only one pair per vehicle. No alterations shall be made to this device. Do not use
adapters or accessories on the saddle or base frame.
1. Adjust saddle height by pulling up the extension tube, then insert the tube support bar through the hole on
extension tube.
2. Ensure that support bar is secure before loading. Insert support bar into the extension tube far enough to create
equal distance of bar extending from the extension tube on both sides.
3. Carefully position stands so that load is centered on stand’s saddle.
4. Slowly lower the vehicle onto the stands.
5. Check o ensure that vehicle is secure before working on, around or under. When used to support vehicle, use
wheel chocks to prevent inadvertent movement.
To lower load
IMPORTANT: Be sure all tools and personnel are clear before lowering load.
1. With suitable jack, raise vehicle clear of stands.
2. Carefully release support bar and allow extension tube to glide down to lowest position.
3. Carefully remove stands, then carefully lower vehicle with jack.