3. Installation
3.1 Modem and computer connections
1. Turn off all devices (including the router) to be connected before
beginning installation.
2. Position the aerial upright.
3. Connect a network cable between the xDSL/cable modem and the WAN port
(WAN) on the router.
4. Turn on the xDSL/cable modem.
5. Connect the adaptor to the router’s DC connection (5 V DC) and then to an
available wall socket. The green “PWR “ LED lights when the router is turned on.
6. When started the router will conduct a self-test which lasts about 5 seconds.
If any or several of the computers are to be connected via a network
cable (and not use wireless transfer) a network cable is needed between one
of the LAN ports (LAN 1, 2, 3, or 4) and the computer’s network card. Restart
the computers that are connected to the router with the network cable.
8. Configure the computers.
Connect the router to your broadband modem/broadband outlet according to
the picture.