Parts & Service: 020 8988 7400 / E-mail: [email protected] or [email protected]
Always ensure that the ear defenders are correctly fitted, adjusted and
Extend the headband and place the cups over the ears with the headband
passing over the head. Settle into position while adjusting the height of the ear
cups until comfortable with the headband providing support.
• The ear cushions should be a snug fit against the head.
Adjust the pressure on the head by bending of the headband and ensure an
effective noise seal.
Wear the ear defenders throughout all periods of exposure to noise.
Clean only with warm soapy water as this product may be adversely affected
by certain chemical substances such as organic solvents or alcohol.
Occasionally disinfect any part of the ear defenders in contact with the
wearer if there are multiple users. Use a product not harmful to the wearer.
Ear defenders should be regularly inspected for condition as the protection
afforded may eventually become impaired. The ear cushions may deteriorate
with use and should be examined at frequent intervals for cracking.
In order to avoid the possibility of deterioration in the materials quality and
performance, we suggest replacing the ear defenders after 2-3 years of
regular use.
When not in use, it is recommended to store this product in a clean, dry
polythene bag.