4. ATTAcH FRonT And BAcK PAnels
Wrap hook and loop
around the rafter.
the back panel is longer
than the front panel.
Back Panel
Front Panel
With help, lift the roof assembly up
and over the assembled walls.
The (4) corner bends will insert into
the outer tubes on the front and rear of
the kennel.
(Fig. 4)
the middle connection will go into the
middle connection that is closest to
the side bend (the cross rails are
two different lengths to accommodate
this offset).
(Fig. 5)
After you have inserted all of the
uprights, go around the kennel again,
seating the roof completely (push the
roof assembly all the way down).
Lastly, insert the plastic plugs (part
#15237) into the open ends at the top
of the wall panels.
Fig. 4
Fig. 5
3. ATTAcH RooF
Secure the front and back panels to the roof
assembly using the "Hook and Loop" straps.
Secure the peak and then the sides to be sure the
position is correct. Secure the remaining straps
once the panel is in the correct position.
(Fig. 6)
Fig. 6