Parts & Service: 020 8988 7400/E-mail:[email protected] or [email protected]
1. Switch the tool on before it
touches the work piece.
2. Adjust the speed control to the
desired setting for the task. Select
a high speed for sawing.
3. If making a plunge cut use a slight
pendulum motion to allow chip/
debris removal.
NOTE: If using the saw attachments
for plunge cuts, only use the
saw on soft materials such as
softwood and plaster boards.
Always check that there are
no nails or screws in the
workpiece before cutting.
In scraping mode, the tool can be used to remove materials such as paint,
sealant residues, adhesives, fabrics and vinyl from materials such as wood,
plastic, metal and painted surfaces.
1. Switch the tool on before it
touches the work piece.
2. Adjust the speed control to a
medium/high speed as required.
3. Place the tool on the workpiece,
ensuring the angle of the scraper
blade to the workpiece is correct.
4. Allow the tool to do the work and
do not apply a heavy pressure
which can cut into the surface
and overload the tool.
NOTE: The scraping blade is designed for scraping soft materials from
flat surfaces. Ensure you get the correct angle and only apply
light pressure to avoid cutting the surface.
NOTE: The scraper blade is quite sharp and tends to remove the surface
from soft materials such as timber (acting in a similar way to a
chisel). Great care should therefore be taken when removing
coatings from these types of materials.