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7. Release the exhaust valve.
8. Turn the self-suction valve to the
on position.
9. Release the trigger lock and pull
the trigger.
10. When the water spray is at high
pressure, close the exhaust valve
and set the suction valve to the
OFF position.
If the water butt runs out of
water, the pressure washer will
need to be primed before use
by repeating steps 4-10.
1. Follow the Shutting down procedure on page 14.
2. Disconnect the high pressure hose and drain all water from the hose.
3. Coil the hose and store the gun/lance in the holders located on the side
frame of the pressure washer.
Make sure that the pressure washer has been thoroughly cleaned before
storing it in a clean dry place.
For long term storage See page 20.