Parts & Service: 020 8988 7400 / E-mail: [email protected] or [email protected]
Never run the engine of any machine inside a closed shed. Ensure that there is
adequate ventilation for engines or for any work with paints, cleaners. etc. by
opening the door panel and keeping it raised.
Take steps to avoid the buildup of condensation inside the shed. Cool, damp
winter days and moisture from the breath and body heat of personnel may
cause condensation on the inside of the top cover.
A supply of fresh air through the doorway will at least partly remove this issue.
For long term storage of moisture sensitive belongings in all weathers, the use
of a dehumidifier may be required, such as those in the CLARKE range. A
suitable extension lead to a locally available power supply will be required.
Condensation will be much less of an issue during the summer months.
Have an overview of all parts before attempting installation and make sure all
components are supplied.