To access your phonebook from standby, press MENU once to enter the
menu, then scroll down to select Phonebook. Press MENU again. Use UP or
DOWN to browse through your saved records.
Call from Phonebook
To dial one of your saved numbers, select the record and press TALK.
Add/Edit/Delete/Delete All from Phonebook
To add a number, edit a number, delete a number or delete all numbers,
press MENU while viewing a saved record. From here, choose one of the
paths described below:
Add Number:
Select by pressing MENU to select “Add Number”. You will be prompted to
enter the number as you will dial it. To edit the number before saving it, use
MUTE / BACK to delete the last digit (one at a time); use UP or DOWN to
move within the number without deleting all digits. When finished, press
MENU to save the number.
You will be prompted to enter the name for the number you saved. Use the
numeric keypad to enter the name to be saved. When finished, press MENU
to save the number.
Screen will display “OK” and you will hear five beeps.
Edit Number:
While viewing the record, press DOWN to advance the row that reads “Edit
Number” to the top of the screen. Press MENU to select this option.
You will be prompted to edit the number - use UP or DOWN to move the
cursor, or use MUTE / BACK to delete the last digit. Press MENU when the
editing is complete.
You will be prompted to edit the name. Use the same controls as above.
Press MENU to save your edited record.
Screen will display “OK” and you will hear five beeps.
Del Number:
While viewing the record, scroll to “Del Number”. Press MENU to select this
The screen displays “Delete?”. Press MENU to delete (screen displays “OK”
and you hear five beeps), or MUTE / BACK to return to previous screen.
Delete All:
While viewing the record, scroll to “Delete All”. Press MENU to select this
The screen displays “Delete All?”. Press MENU to delete (screen displays
“OK” and you hear five beeps), or MUTE / BACK to return to previous screen.
XLC7BT User Guide RevB.indd 23
9/18/17 11:18 AM