Ticking noise when engine on
• High voltage ignition pro blem: Check for problems with the ignition system and
replace components as required.
• Cracked distributor caps
• Carbon traces on plug wires
• Loose spark plugs
Crossover: A device that limits the range of frequencies sent to a speaker or
dB: decibel, a measurement of the relative difference in power or intensity between
two acoustic signals.
Equalizer: Component that boosts or cuts sound signal frequencies to improve the
quality of the sound.
Gain control: gain is the amount of amplification (voltage, current or power) of an
audio signal expressed in dB.
Hz: Abbreviation for Hertz, a unit of frequency equal to one cycle per second.
IVS: Input Voltage Selector
Octave: the musical principle of dividing sound frequencies into the eight notes of
the musical scale.
Ohm: unit of electric resistance
PFS: Precise Frequency Selector
RCA input/output: port through which sound travels in and out of the system; “RCA”
refers to the type of connector, which was first manufactured by the Radio
Corporation of America.
Slope: how fast the sound gets quieter rated in dBs. The higher the dB number, the
faster the frequency drops off.
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