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Operating Instructions 

Orbitor TVE50 Electronic Eyepiece 
Black & White Imaging for the Home Astronomer 


The TVE50 works with almost all telescopes that use standard 0.965” or 1.25” diameter eyepieces. Black and 
white views of the brighter planets, the Moon and daytime subjects can be seen on a television monitor and can 
be recorded on a VCR or a camcorder by attaching the TVE50’s RCA type video cable to the unit’s VIDEO in 
jack. Images are in real time and are recorded and displayed in full motion. 

Install the Battery – The TVE50 uses one 9-volt battery (not 
included). Unscrew the cover, Insert the battery. Replace cover. 

Important Note

: If you are replacing the battery, unsnap the 9-volt 

connector from the battery before removing the battery from the 
compartment. Remove the battery if you are not going to use your 
TVE50 for several weeks or longer. 

The following should be done in daylight, before your first night time observing. Focus your telescope on a 
distant object. Use only your low-power 20mm or 25mm eyepiece. Then remove the telescope eyepiece and 
insert the TVE50.  

The TVE50 fits either 0.965” or 1.25” diameter eyepiece holders. If the TVE50 does not slide 
into your eyepiece holder, unscrew the outer, chrome barrel. 
Plug one end of the cable into the VIDEO OUT jack 
on the TVE50 – and the other end into the VIDEO IN 
jack of your TV, VCR or monitor. 


To turn the TVE50 on, turn the Contrast Control 
until it clicks and then set the contrast level. To 
focus the image you can turn your telescope’s focus knobs. 
When you are finished observing turn the Contrast Control until it clicks off. NOTE: When 
you aim your telescope at a new object you may need to refocus. 


You may notice dark spots on the monitor screen. The imager is ‘seeing’ small dirt specs. Use a 
clean cotton swab and gently wipe the square imaging chip. 


 Do not use a regular household TV or VCR outdoors as there is a real and serious danger of an 

electric shock from rain, mist, wet grass or any other wet surface. Use a battery powered monitor or VCR. If you 
are using your telescope near your home you can obtain a long RCA cable to attach your TVE50 to your indoor 
TV or VCR, making sure to leave the TV or VCR indoors while you use the telescope outdoors. 


 Because of the high magnification factor vibration and movement should be expected. Move the 

telescope slowly to reduce this effect. 

Made in China       Manual Part # 260302 
