frequency (IP SLA)
To set the frequency for probing, use the
command in the appropriate configuration mode. To use
the default value, use the
form of this command.
frequency seconds
no frequency
Syntax Description
Rate at which the specific IP SLA operation is sent into the network. Range is 1
to 604800.
Command Default
If the
command is not used, the default value is 60 seconds.
In IP SLA MPLS LSP monitor schedule configuration mode, the default value is equal to the schedule period
that is set using the
schedule period
Command Modes
IP SLA UDP echo configuration
IP SLA UDP jitter configuration
IP SLA ICMP path-jitter configuration
IP SLA ICMP path-echo configuration
IP SLA ICMP echo configuration
IP SLA MPLS LSP ping configuration
IP SLA MPLS LSP trace configuration
IP SLA MPLS LSP monitor schedule configuration
Command History
This command was introduced.
Release 3.3.0
Support was added for IP SLA MPLS ping and IP SLA MPLS trace
configuration modes.
Release 3.4.0
This command was added to IP SLA MPLS LSP monitor schedule
configuration mode.
Release 3.5.0
Usage Guidelines
If this command is used in IP SLA MPLS LSP monitor schedule configuration mode, it represents the frequency
for the schedule period. In other words, if the frequency is set to 1000 seconds and the schedule period is set
to 600 seconds, every 1000 seconds the LSP operations are run. Each run takes 600 seconds. Use the
command to specify the schedule period.
Cisco IOS XR System Monitoring Command Reference for the Cisco XR 12000 Series Router, Release 4.1
IP Service Level Agreement Commands
frequency (IP SLA)