Cisco uBR905 Router Hardware Installation Guide
OL-0598-01 (9/2000)
Chapter 1
Product Overview
Overview of the Cisco uBR905 Cable Access Router
This section provides an overview of the Cisco uBR905 cable access router’s features, divided into the
following categories:
Basic Features
The Cisco uBR905 cable access router provides the following features:
DOCSIS-compliant cable modem that delivers peak data rates of 44 Mbps downstream and 10
Mbps upstream for an always-on connection
Support for 6-MHz downstream and 200K-3200 KHz upstream cable channel bandwidth
Comprehensive power-up and CMTS-initiated diagnostic features
Continuous downstream and upstream channel performance and impairment information gathering
IP bridging and IP routing using Cisco IOS software
Other feature sets, such as IPsec encryption or firewall protection, are optionally available,
depending on the Cisco IOS image being used
Support for an unlimited number of PC and other CPE devices in routing mode (subject to the limits
imposed by the service provider)
Four-port 10Base T Ethernet hub interface
Coaxial cable (F-connector) interface
Support for unicast, broadcast, and multicast IP packets
Automatic configuration and piracy control provided by:
Automatically downloading a DOCSIS configuration file from the headend to configure itself
for operation on the cable network
Running resident Cisco IOS image or optionally downloading a new Cisco IOS image as
directed by the CMTS
Optionally downloading a Cisco IOS configuration file to configure advanced feature sets
Support for remote software upgrades without requiring a visit by a cable technician
Security on the cable interface is provided by the DOCSIS Baseline Privacy Interface (BPI):
40-bit or 56-bit DES encryption
Automatically established when enabled and supported by both the router and CMTS
Encrypts all Ethernet packets transported on the cable interface between the router and CMTS
Optional end-to-end security provided by IPsec encryption:
IPsec hardware accelerator provides high-performance encryption without affecting overall
Provides the capability to create secure virtual private networks (VPNs) across unprotected
networks such as the Internet