Some configuration parameters when applied to an EtherChannel are not reflected on
the configuration of the member ports.
The traffic that matches this class are as follows:
Access Control Lists
Classifies traffic based on the criteria in existing ACLs.
Class of Service
Matches traffic based on the CoS field in the frame header.
Classifies traffic based on the Differentiated Services Code Point (DSCP) value in
the DiffServ field of the IP header.
IP Real Time Protocol
Classifies traffic on the port numbers used by real-time applications.
Classifies traffic based on the precedence value in the type of service (ToS)
field of the IP header.
Classifies traffic based on the IPv4 Protocol field or the IPv6 Next Header field
of the IP header.
The actions that are performed on the matching traffic are as follows:
This policy can be attached to the system or to any interface. It applies to input traffic
QoS Group
Sets the QoS group that corresponds to the system class this traffic flow is
mapped to.
Configuring Policy Maps
Creating Policy Maps
command is used to create a named object that represents a set of policies that are to be
applied to a set of traffic classes.
The device provides two default system classes: a no-drop class for lossless service (class-fcoe) and a drop
class for best-effort service (class-default). You can define up to four additional system classes for Ethernet
The following predefined policy maps are used as default service policies:
network-qos: default-nq-policy
Input qos: default-in-policy
Input queuing: default-in-policy
Output queuing: default-out-policy
Cisco Nexus 5000 NX-OS Quality of Service Configuration Guide, Release 5.1(3)N2(1)
Configuring Policy Maps
Configuring Policy Maps