(some output omitted)
destination-index Destination-index
destination-ipv4-address Destination ipv4 address
destination-ipv4-mask Destination ipv4 mask
destination-mac-address Destination mac address
l4-protocol L4 protocol
source-index Source-index
source-ipv4-address Source ipv4 address
source-ipv4-mask Source ipv4 mask
source-mac-address Source mac address
For this example, the frame is captured according to the source and destination IPv4 addresses,
so only those values are specified.
F4 requires separate triggers for the DBUS and the RBUS.
Here is the DBUS trigger:
module-4(f4-l2-elam)# trigger dbus ipv4 ingress if source-ipv4-address destination-ipv4-address
Here is the RBUS trigger:
module-4(f4-l2-elam)# trigger rbus ingress result if tr 1
Start the Capture
Now that the ingress FE is selected and you configured the trigger, you can start the capture:
module-4(f4-l2-elam)# start
In order to check the status of the ELAM, enter the status command:
module-4(f4-l2-elam)# status
ELAM Slot 4 instance 0: L2 DBUS/LBD Configuration: trigger dbus ipv4 ingress if
source-ipv4-address destination-ipv4-address
L2 DBUS/LBD: Configured
ELAM Slot 4 instance 0: L2 RBUS Configuration: trigger rbus ingress result if tr 1
L2 RBUS: Configured
L2 BIS: Unconfigured
L2 BPL: Unconfigured
L2 EGR: Unconfigured
L2 PLI: Unconfigured
L2 PLE: Unconfigured
Once the frame that matches the trigger is received by the FE, the ELAM status shows as
module-4(f4-l2-elam)# status
ELAM Slot 4 instance 1: L2 DBUS/LBD Configuration: trigger dbus ipv4 ingress if
source-ipv4-address destination-ipv4-address
L2 DBUS/LBD: Triggered
ELAM Slot 4 instance 1: L2 RBUS Configuration: trigger rbus ingress result if tr 1
L2 RBUS: Triggered
L2 BIS: Unconfigured
L2 BPL: Unconfigured
L2 EGR: Unconfigured
L2 PLI: Unconfigured
L2 PLE: Unconfigured 7
Interpret the Results