◦ The LED will begin as orange while booting, then cycle through all colors while initializing and scanning for a
◦ After locating a working gateway, the LED will turn green. If the LED continually blinks orange, it is unable to
locate a gateway.
• If the AP cannot find a working gateway:
◦ Verify the gateway has been added to the Dashboard network.
◦ Verify the gateway is online with Dashboard.
◦ Verify the gateway or another mesh repeater that has a route to the gateway and is within range of the mesh
repeater. This can be done by moving them closer together with a line of sight and away from physical
4. After the repeater has established a route to the gateway, the repeater will connect to the cloud and begin downloading its firmware and configuration. During
this time the Radio light will begin flashing green or orange (MR units). Once the firmware is upgraded the AP will reboot and go through the same light
5. Once the AP has booted up and confirmed that it has the latest firmware the radio and signal lights will turn solid green.
Impact of Meshing on Throughput
Due to the half-duplex nature of wireless communication and that signals being passed through a repeater AP must be retransmitted to the next hop, throughput
is greatly reduced when using a repeater. While many factors impact wireless throughput, it is safe to assume that the addition of meshing can reduce
throughput by approximately 50%, with that reduction being applied for each subsequent repeater that must be traversed to reach a gateway. Therefore, it is
advised to minimize the number of hops between a client and gateway.
Selection of Band or Channel used for Meshing
As part of the self-healing nature of meshing, the access points will automatically detect each other and select the best route to a gateway. All Cisco Meraki APs
that support meshing will automatically try to mesh if they lose their wired connection, or be available for connections from repeaters if connected as a gateway.
To that end, it is generally recommended to allow auto-channel selection in networks with repeaters.
While it is not possible to select which frequency band should be used for meshing, it is possible to manually adjust channel selections to direct the AP toward a
desired behavior. To do this, refer to the article on
manually changing channels in a mesh network
. If it is desired for two APs to mesh on 5Ghz as opposed to
2.4Ghz, then the APs should both be set to the same 5Ghz channel, but different 2.4Ghz channels. Keep in mind though that a frequency band cannot be
allocated specifically for meshing, and both bands will still be available for servicing clients, unless the SSID is configured to