Cisco ISR 4000 Family Routers Administrator Guidance
the authorized administrator must ensure that the keysize for this setting is
greater than or equal to the keysize selected for ESP in Section 4.6.2 below. If AES
128 is selected here, then the highest keysize that can be selected on the TOE for
ESP is AES 128 (either CBC or GCM).
Both confidentiality and integrity are configured with the hash sha and
encryption aes commands respectively. As a result, confidentiality-only mode is
TOE-common-criteria (config-ikev2-proposal)#
authentication local pre-share
This configures IPsec to use pre-shared keys. X.509 v3 certificates are also
supported for authentication of IPsec peers. See Section 4.6.3 below for additional
TOE-common-criteria (config-ikev2-proposal)#
group 14
This selects DH Group 14 (2048-bit MODP) for IKE, but 19 (256-bit Random
ECP), 24 (2048-bit MODP with 256-bit POS), 20 (384-bit Random ECP), 15 (3072
bit MODP), and 16 (4096-bit MODP) are also allowed and supported. Please note
Group 1 and Group 2 are not included in the evaluated configuration.
TOE-common-criteria (config)#
crypto ikev2 keyring keyring-1
TOE-common-criteria (config-ikev2-keyring)#
peer peer1
TOE-common-criteria (config-ikev2-keyring-peer)#
TOE-common-criteria (config-ikev2-keyring-peer)#
pre-shared-key xyz-key
This section creates a keyring to hold the pre-shared keys referenced in the steps
above. In IKEv2 these pre-shared keys are specific to the peer.
Pre-shared keys on the TOE must be at least 22 characters in length and can
be composed of any combination of upper and lower case letters, numbers, and
special characters (that include: “!”, “@”, “#”, “$”, “%”, “^”, “&”, “*”, “(“,
and “)”).
The TOE supports pre-shared keys up to 128 bytes in length. While longer keys
increase the difficulty of brute-force attacks, but longer keys increase processing
HEX keys generated off system can also be input for IKEv2 using the following
instead of the pre-shared-key command above: ‘
pre-shared-key hex [hex key]
For example:
pre-shared-key hex 0x6A6B6C
See ‘
pre-shared-key (IKEv2
’ in [
] for more information on this command.
This configures IPsec to use pre-shared keys. X.509 v3 certificates are also
supported for authentication of IPsec peers. See Section 4.6.3 below for additional
TOE-common-criteria (config)#
crypto logging ikev2
This setting enables IKEv2 syslog messages.