2. SSH into the device using either PuTTy (on a Windows PC) or Terminal (on a Mac) using the
commands shown below. Replace {device IP} with the actual IP address of the Edge device. (verify
with your network administrator regarding the correct IP address and root credentials for the Edge
3. Use the blkid command to locate the USB drive. (usually /dev/sdxx with xx being b1, b2 or c1, c2
etc.) For this guide, we will assume it is /dev/sdb1.
4. Mount the USB drive.
5. Unmount the USB drive. Copy the firmware image onto the Edge 300 device (into the /apps/
directory). Wait for the task to finish. The copying of the image file will be completed when the
console displays a # symbol at the beginning of the command line.
6. Without ejecting your USB drive, run the following commands (remember to replace sdb1 with your
blkid if discovered to be different from Step 3). Note that each command will take some time to
execute. Wait until each command has completed (console displays a #) before proceeding to the
next command. When all commands have been executed, remove the USB drive from the device.
# ssh root@{device IP}
# root@{device IP} password: cisco
# blkid
/dev/sdb1: LABEL="USBDRIVE" UUID="7288-0792" TYPE="vfat"
# mount /dev/sdb1 /tmp/mnt
# cp /tmp/mnt/smi-usb-sunbird-1.5.0-delivery.tar.gz /apps/
# umount /tmp/mnt