Activate Your Device
To activate your device, follow your service provider-specifi c instructions.
Wait While Your Device Connects
Equipment and setup time may vary. Contact your service provider for instructions.
Confi rm Your Success
Your device is confi gured and working properly when:
The 3G light on your DPH153 3G Small Cell is solid and green.
You are able to place a phone call using your DPH153 3G Small Cell.
Contact your service provider for additional details.
Things to Know
Cell phones may take some time to switch to the DPH153 3G
Small Cell
Your cell phone may not immediately switch to your DPH153 3G Small Cell when you
enter its coverage area. Depending on the signal strength of the cell tower, the time for your
cell phone to switch to the DPH153 3G Small Cell can vary. It may take seconds or up to
fi ve minutes.
Calls transfer out, but don’t transfer in
Calls transfer from the DPH153 3G Small Cell to the strongest available cell tower signal.
However, calls initiated on the cell tower do not transfer to the DPH153 3G Small Cell.
Restarting fi xes most problems
Like many electronic devices, the DPH153 3G Small Cell and your 3G cell phone may
occasionally need to be rebooted (turned off and back on again) to reestablish their
connection to each other.