Step 5
Finger-tighten screws to the rack rails on each side of the chassis.
Step 6
Tighten all the screws on each side to secure the chassis to the equipment rack. The following figure shows the Cisco
Catalyst 9800-40 Wireless Controller on a four-post equipment rack.
Figure 5: Cisco Catalyst 9800-40 Wireless Controller in a Four-Post Rack—Front and Rear Rack-Mounting
Front rack mount bracket ear and screws
Rear rack equipment rail
Front rack equipment rail
Rear rack mount bracket ear and screws
Step 7
Use a level to verify that the tops of the two brackets are level, or use a measuring tape to verify that both brackets are
the same distance from the top of the rack rails.
What to do next
This completes the procedure for installing the chassis in the rack. Proceed to the
Attaching a Chassis Ground
section to continue the installation.
Installing the Controller
Installing the Controller
Four-Post Rack Installation