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Product Bulletin No. EOL4052—Amended
End-of-Sale and End-of-Life Announcement for the Cisco Catalyst
4500 Prestandard PoE line card (WS-X4148-RJ45V) and Cisco IOS
Software Release 12.2(18)EW
Cisco Systems
announces the end-of-sale and end-of life dates for the Cisco Catalyst 4500 Prestandard PoE Line Card
(WS-X4148-RJ45V) and Cisco IOS Software Release 12.2(18)EW. The last day to order the affected product is January 29,
2007. Customers with active service contracts will continue to receive support from the Cisco Technical Assistance Center
(TAC) until January 28, 2012. Table 1 describes the end-of-life milestones, definitions, and dates for the affected product.
Table 2 lists the product part numbers affected by this announcement.
Customers are encouraged to migrate from Cisco Catalyst 4500 Prestandard PoE line card (WS-X4148-RJ45V) to the Cisco Catalyst 4500 IEEE
802.3af PoE line cards (WS-X4248-RJ45V or WS-X4548-GB-RJ45V). Cisco IOS Software Release 12.2(18)EW customers are encouraged to
migrate to Cisco IOS Software Release 12.2(25)EWA. Table 2 provides relevant information for migrating to the replacement product.
Table 1.
End-of-Life Milestones and Dates for the Cisco Catalyst 4500 Prestandard PoE Line Card (WS-X4148-RJ45V) and
Cisco IOS Software Release
Announcement Date
The date the document that announces the end of sale and end of life of a product is
distributed to the general public.
July 31, 2006
End-of-Sale Date
The last date to order the product through Cisco point-of-sale mechanisms. The product is no
longer for sale after this date.
January 29, 2007
Last Ship Date
The last-possible ship date that can be requested of Cisco and/or its contract manufacturers.
Actual ship date is dependent on lead time.
April 29, 2007
End of SW Maintenance
Releases Date
The last date that Cisco Engineering may release any final software maintenance releases or
bug fixes. After this date, Cisco Engineering will no longer develop, repair, maintain, or test the
product software.
January 29, 2008
End of Routine Failure
Analysis Date
The last-possible date a routine failure analysis may be performed to determine the cause of
product failure or defect.
January 29, 2008
End of New Service
Attachment Date
For equipment and software that is not covered by a service-and-support contract, this is the
last date to order a new service-and-support contract or add the equipment and/or software to
an existing service-and-support contract.
January 29, 2008
End of Service Contract
Renewal Date
The last date to extend or renew a service contract for the product.
April 26, 2011
Last Date of Support
The last date to receive service and support for the product. After this date, all support services
for the product are unavailable, and the product becomes obsolete.
January 28, 2012