OSPF Sham-Link Support for MPLS VPN
Feature Overview
Cisco IOS Release 12.2(8)T
PE-1# show ip cef vrf ospf, version 73, epoch 0, cached adjacency to POS3/0/0
0 packets, 0 bytes
tag information set
local tag: VPN-route-head
fast tag rewrite with PO3/0/0, point2point, tags imposed: {42 38}
via, 0 dependencies, recursive
next hop, POS3/0/0 via
valid cached adjacency
tag rewrite with PO3/0/0, point2point, tags imposed: {42 38}
If a prefix is learned across the sham-link and the path via the sham-link is selected as the best, the PE router
does not generate an MP-BGP update for the prefix. It is not possible to route traffic from one sham-link over
another sham-link.
In the following example, PE-2 shows how an MP-BGP update for the prefix is not generated. Although has been learned via OSPF across the sham-link as shown in bold, no local generation of a route
into BGP is performed. The only entry within the BGP table is the MP-BGP update received from PE-3 (the
egress PE router for the prefix).
PE-2# show ip route vrf ospf
Routing entry for
Known via "ospf 100", distance 110, metric 12, type intra area
Redistributing via bgp 215
Last update from 00:00:10 ago
Routing Descriptor Blocks:
* (Default-IP-Routing-Table), from, 00:00:10 ago
Route metric is 12, traffic share count is 1
PE-2# show ip bgp vpnv4 all
BGP routing table entry for 100:251:, version 166
Paths: (1 available, best #1)
Not advertised to any peer
Local (metric 30) from (
Origin incomplete, metric 11, localpref 100, valid, internal,
Extended Community: RT:1:793 OSPF DOMAIN ID: OSPF
RT:1:2:0 OSPF 2
The PE router uses the information received from MP-BGP to set the ongoing label stack of incoming
packets, and to decide to which egress PE router to label switch the packets.
Client Site Connection Across the MPLS VPN Backbone
A sham-link overcomes the OSPF default behavior for selecting an intra-area backdoor route between VPN
sites instead of an interarea (PE-to-PE) route. A sham-link ensures that OSPF client sites that share a
backdoor link can communicate over the MPLS VPN backbone and participate in VPN services.
Flexible Routing in an MPLS VPN Configuration
In an MPLS VPN configuration, the OSPF cost configured with a sham-link allows you to decide if OSPF
client site traffic will be routed over a backdoor link or through the VPN backbone.