Cisco 6130 NI-1 to NI-2 Upgrade Kit Conversion Procedures
Cisco 6130 NI-1 to NI-2 Conversion Procedures
Run the NI-1 to NI-2 Conversion Utility
For a complete conversion of the Cisco 6130 system configuration including subscribers and PVCs from
an NI-1 architecture to an NI-2 architecture, you can run the NI-1 to NI-2 migration utility.
You must be running ViewRunner Release 3.0.0 before you can run the NI-1 to NI-2 migration utility.
The NI-1 to NI-2 migration is applicable to both ViewRunner for Windows Release 3.0.0 and
ViewRunner for HP OpenView Release 3.0.0.
The utility matches current subscriber profiles to the predefined utility profiles. The utility builds new
subscriber profiles based on your current profile data. The utility converts the NSS file to a Cisco
Internet Operating System (IOS) configuration file. You can run the utility on both a Microsoft
Windows platform and a Sun Solaris platform; the utility runs the same way on either platform.
Before you install and run the NI-1 to NI-2 migration utility package, verify that the following
requirements are true:
The NI-1 is in Direct Connect configuration mode.
You have saved the NSS file in ViewRunner for Windows or ViewRunner for HP-OpenView 3.0.
The node software is version 2.2.1 to 3.0.
Downloading the Utility Packages from the Cisco Web Site
To access the utility packages on the Cisco web site (CCO), complete the following steps:
Step 1
Access CCO in one of the following ways:
WWW: www.cisco.com
Telnet: cco.cisco.com
Modem using standard connection rates and the following terminal settings: VT100 emulation;
8 data bits; no parity; and 1 stop bit.
From North America, call 408 526-8070
From Europe, call 33 1 64 46 40 82
Step 2
Click Software Center under Service and Support.
Step 3
Click Login on the menu bar.
Step 4
In the Login dialog box, type your user name and password, then click OK.
Step 5
Click Network Mgmt Products on the Software Center web page to access the Network Management
Products web page.
Step 6
Click Cisco DSL Manager under Network Management Products to access the CDM utility files.
Step 7
Under Select a File to Download, find the appropriate utility files that you need to install.
Running the NI-1 to NI-2 Migration Utility
To run the NI-1 to NI-2 migration utility, complete the following steps:
Step 1
Download the migration utility package files from CCO (as described in the “Downloading the Utility
Packages from the Cisco Web Site” section on page 16), or from the product CD-ROM.