Port Security, Dynamic ARP Inspection, DHCP
Snooping, and IP Source Guard:
These features
help prevent denial-of-service and other insidious
unauthorized network use such as man-in-the-
middle attacks, which are used to steal business
and employee data without detection.
Network Access Control (NAC):
Used to detect
the security posture of an attached device before
access is granted to the network.
Used for access control on
L2/L3 ports and VLANs.
A converged voice, video, and data network plays a
critical part in helping an organization gain a competitive
advantage through increased productivity, organizational
flexibility, and reduced operational costs.
• QoS (shaping, sharing, Layer 2–4 classification
per port, ingress/egress policing, guaranteed
bandwidth, dynamic buffer limiting [DBL], 8-TX
queues per port, strict priority queue on every port):
These combined QoS features help ensure critical
traffic can flow during times of congestion.
• 15.4W per port on every port for Power
over Ethernet.
The Cisco Catalyst 4500 E-Series makes provisioning
and monitoring simple through a variety of tools.
Provide prepackaged configurations
in a single command.
Auto QoS:
Automatically applies appropriate
port settings when IP phones are attached.
NetFlow (for classic supervisor engines):
Can examine traffic patterns for use in network
planning and anomaly detection.
No More Forklift Upgrades
Supervisor upgrades provide immediate enhancements
to all ports in the system. Linecards receive all their
feature capabilities directly from the supervisor engine.
Linecard upgrades are done in service, so there is no
downtime to add new ports or change linecard types.
Why Migrate from Fixed Switches to Cisco Catalyst
4500 E-Series Switches
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