Catalyst 2950 and Catalyst 2955 Switch Software Configuration Guide
Chapter 32 Troubleshooting
Using Recovery Procedures
Step 4
When the boot loader prompts you, enter the break key.
This example shows the messages that appear on the console after the user enters a break key:
The system has been interrupted prior to initializing the flash file system.
The following commands will initialize the flash file system, and finish loading the
operating system software:
After the message appears, the boot loader prompt resumes.
On the Catalyst 2955C-12 and Catalyst 2955S-12 switches, the port 13 LED blinks green, and the
port 14 LED is off during the initial appearance of the boot loader prompt. On the Catalyst 2955T-12
switch, the port 1 LED blinks green, and the port 2 LED is off during the initial appearance of the boot
loader prompt.
Step 5
Initialize the flash file system:
switch# flash_init
Step 6
If you set the console port speed to anything other than 9600, it has been reset to that particular speed.
Change the emulation software line speed to match that of the switch console port.
Step 7
Load any helper files:
switch# load_helper
Step 8
Display the contents of flash memory as in this example:
switch# dir flash:
Directory of flash:/
The switch file system appears in the directory.
Step 9
Rename the configuration file to config.text.old.
This file contains the password definition.
switch# rename flash:config.text flash:config.text.old
Step 10
Boot the system:
switch# boot
You are prompted to start the setup program. Enter N at the prompt:
Continue with the configuration dialog? [yes/no]: N
Step 11
At the switch prompt, change to privileged EXEC mode:
switch> enable
Step 12
Rename the configuration file to its original name:
switch# rename flash:config.text.old flash:config.text
Step 13
Copy the configuration file into memory:
switch# copy flash:config.text system:running-config
Source filename [config.text]?
Destination filename [running-config]?
Press Return in response to the confirmation prompts.
The configuration file is now reloaded, and you can use these normal commands to change the password.