Using Your Hub Software
Statistics Commands
Statistics Commands
Use the commands in this section to display statistics for a stack, a specific hub in a stack,
or a specific port in a stack since a restart or since the counter was last cleared.
show system statistics
show system statistics
Displays statistics for the entire stack.
Statistics are displayed in the following format:
show system statistics
Frames: 9755
Bytes: 78040
Collisions: 671
Alignment errors: 45
CRC errors: 33
Total errors: 867
Command Display Definitions
• Frames—Number of frames (packets) passing through the hub.
• Bytes—Number of bytes passing through the hub.
• Collisions—Number of times that network devices attached to any one of the
hubs in the stack have attempted to send data simultaneously.
• Alignment errors—Number of mis-synchronized data packets.
• CRC errors—Number of cyclic redundancy check (CRC) errors.
• Total errors—Total number of errors of the following types: frame control
sequence, alignment, frames-too-long, short events, late events, jabber, and
data rate mismatches.