Upgrading to Cisco IOS Release 12.2(28)SB on a Cisco 10000 Series Router
Upgrade Option 3: ESR-PRE1 Upgrade with RPR Switchover
At this point, the system should be operating as a dual-PRE redundant 12.2(28)SB system in the
configured mode (either SSO or RPR+), running the properly modified startup configuration. You can
verify the redundancy status using the
show redundancy
show redundancy state
Step 8
Enter the
write memory
command from the active console to bring the startup configuration up to date
on the active and standby ESR-PRE2s.
Rollback Procedure for Option 2
To roll back to the original release:
Step 1
Copy the original startup configuration from the TFTP server to the startup configuration on the active
and standby ESR-PRE2s using the
copy tftp startup
copy tftp stby-nvram:startup-config
commands. (This is the configuration file you copied in
Step 3
of the upgrade procedure.)
Step 2
Use the
show bootvar
command to verify that the boot system variable now points to the old image and
the config-register is set appropriately.
Step 3
Reload the active ESR-PRE2 using the
If autoboot is set, the system should come up in the configured redundant mode (for older releases
that support redundancy).
If autoboot is not set, the system will come up to ROM monitor. From the ROM monitor prompt,
boot the proper image from the bootflash on each ESR-PRE2.
You have now reverted to the original system configuration.
Upgrade Option 3: ESR-PRE1 Upgrade with RPR Switchover
This procedure assumes the following configuration:
Cisco 10000 chassis with two installed ESR-PRE1 processors
An upgrade-enabled image such as 12.0(25)SX9 (or later) or 12.0(27)S4 (or later) on the
ESR-PRE1s; see
Table 1
for a list of affected images.
You need two ESR-PRE2s with boot image installed in the bootflash to replace the ESR-PRE1s.
This upgrade procedure is service affecting. It requires a sequential PRE hardware replacement and a
switchover from the active to standby PRE. During the switchover in
Step 10
, the router will not be
available for user traffic.
At several steps during this procedure, two PREs will alternately be using their FastEthernet0/0/0 NME
ports to copy files to and retrieve files from your TFTP server. Be certain that the FastEthernet0/0/0 port
that is not in current use is shut down (using the
command) and that the one in use is active (using
no shut
command). Otherwise, collisions are likely if both ports are using the same IP address.